Institutes where FLEXTRA and/or FLEXPART is used (sorted by country)

Institute of Meteorology, University of Agricultural Sciences, Austria Petra Seibert

version for providing different variants of source-receptor relationships, clustering software CHIC, new MM5 version, receptor-oriented and inverse modelling
Preparatory Commission for the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty Organization, Austria Gerhard Wotawa FLEXPART ECMWF and GFS Operational implementation to verify compliance with the nuclear test ban
Zentralanstalt fuer Meteorologie und Geodynamik, Austria Helfried Scheifinger and Mathias Langer FLEXTRA and FLEXPART ECMWF, ALADIN, and MM5 Emergency Response, Global Atmospheric Watch, Input interface for Aladin
Environment Canada and University of Western Ontario, Canada Trevor Carey-Smith FLEXTRA, maybe FLEXPART in the future GEM Stratosphere-troposphere exchange, using Perl Data Language for visualization
China Song Yu FLEXTRA and FLEXPART MM5 -
Department of Civil & Structural Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Aijun Ding and Tao Wang FLEXTRA and FLEXPART MM5 Analysis of field or aircraft measurement of trace gases and aerosols,study of pollution transport (include biomass burning plumes, urban plumes and Stratospheric intrusions), and intercomparsion with HYSPLIT trajectories etc.
Finnish Meteorological Institute, Finland Juha Hatakka FLEXTRA ECMWF Global Atmospheric Watch
Equipe physico-chimie de la topophere (PCT), Service d'aeronomie, France Augustin Colette FLEXPART ECMWF ERA 40 Pollution transport, various post-processing tools, interested in interfacing with meso-scale models
Laboratoire de Meteorologie Dynamique, France Bernard Legras FLEXPART ECMWF, Meso-NH, LMD-Z in the future Extensive recoding for stratospheric research, version called TRACZILLA. Fortran 90, namelist input, dynamic allocation, direct interpolation from model levels, etc. Meso-NH interface available and LMD-Z interface in development
French Atomic Energy Authority, France Philippe Heinrich FLEXPART MM5, WRF in the future WRF interface in development
Laboratoire de Meteorologie Dynamique, France Vincent Daniel FLEXTRA and FLEXPART ECMWF, GFS, and MM5 plotting interfaces for XMgrace, GrADS
Laboratoire de Physique de l'Atmosphere, Universite de La Reunion, France Jimmy Leclaire de Bellevue FLEXPART - Stratosphere-troposphere in the vicinity of tropical cyclones and deep convective events
Technical University of Munich, Germany Nicole Spichtinger FLEXTRA and FLEXPART ECMWF Pollution transport
Max-Planck Institute for Chemistry, Germany Michael Traub FLEXTRA ECMWF -
Radiological Safety Division, Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research, India C.Venkata Srinivas FLEXPART MM5 -
University of Trento, Italy and Alessio Berto's webpage Alessio Berto FLEXTRA ECMWF and BOLAM (Bologna Limited Area Model) A FLEXTRA version which uses BOLAM output
Institute of Atmospheric Sciences and Climate (ISAC), Italian National Research Council (CNR), Italy Federico Fierli and Paola D'Aulerio FLEXTRA, tests with FLEXPART ECMWF IDL routines for output plotting
Department of Meteorology, Eotvos Lorand University, Hungary FLEXTRA ECMWF CO2 transport, CO2 source area identification
Energy Research Centre of the Netherlands Alex Vermeulen FLEXTRA and FLEXPART ECMWF Simulations of greenhouse gas transports, Windows PC versions of FLEXTRA/FLEXPART
Norswegian Institute for Air Research, Norway Andreas Stohl, Sabine Eckhardt, Harald Sodemann and John Burkhart
FLEXTRA and FLEXPART ECMWF and GFS Pollution transport, water cycle research
Global Change Impact Studies Centre Islamabad, Pakistan Rehan Anis and Shoiab Raza FLEXPART ECMWF Pollution transport
Instituto Nacional de Meteorologia, Spain Jose Ardao-Berdejo FLEXPART ECMWF Operational FLEXPART runs
Institut of Energy Technologies, Technical University of Catalonia, Spain Delia Arnold and Arturo Vargas FLEXPART MM5, GFS, ECMWF Radon simulation and inverse modelling
Goetheborg University, Sweden Ashraf Zakey FLEXTRA and FLEXPART MM5 -
Empa, Switzerland Stephan Henne FLEXTRA ECMWF Interpretation of GAW station measurements
Meteo Swiss, Switzerland Pirmin Kaufmann, Peter Roth, Thomas Egli FLEXPART aLMo regional model, and ECMWF model aLMo test installation, ECMWF version used operationally for emergency response applications
Institute for Atmospheric and Climate Science, ETH Zurich, Switzerland Michael Sprenger and Junbo Cui FLEXPART ECMW Ozone trend over Europe and its link to atmospheric transport
University of East Anglia, U.K. Kate Preston FLEXPART ECMWF -
Department of Environmental Sciences, Lancaster University, UK Chuansen Ren FLEXTRA ECMWF Interpreting aircraft observations
University of Greenwich, UK, transport modelling page Stelios Plainiotis FLEXPART ECMWF binary (conc) to ascii converter , also started developing a crossplatform GUI for FLEXPART (C++), limited interactive model runs possible
NOAA Aeronomy Laboratory, USA Owen Cooper FLEXPART GFS Pollution transport, stratospheric intrusions
Michigan Tech University, USA Chris Owen and Drew Snauffer FLEXPART ECMWF -
Environmental Protection Agency, USA Bret Anderson FLEXTRA and FLEXPART MM5 Updated MM5 conversion routines for MM5 V3 file format, MM5 version updated to include flux planes, age spectra, on-line clustering, and Emanuel convective parameterization
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA Benjamin de Foy FLEXPART MM5 Mexico City Project, various changes to use MM5 PBL parameters, conversion of output to NARSTO-DES and NetCDF formats
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, USA Jerome Fast FLEXPART WRF source-receptor relationships, pollutant transport

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Last updated: 10 February 2006