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Information on the products for the Alaska 2004 fires

Released tracer: FIRE_CO
Simulation extends from 12 June 2004 0 UTC til 20 August 2004 0 UTC. A passive CO tracer was used, tracer particles were deleted after 30 days of transport. The fire emission inventory is homemade based on hot spot data and daily fire reports. A description and daily plots of the inventory are available from here Fire emissions were released into the lowest 3 km of the atmosphere. No age spectra were calculated.
The model output domain covers the northern hemisphere north of 30 deg N at 1 deg resolution. In addition, a fine nest with 0.5x0.333 deg resolution is available for the region 170 W - 40 W and north of 45 N. The vertical output resolution is 1 km up to 12 km, plus levels from 0-100m, 100-200m, 200-500m, and 500-1000m. The model output is available every 3 hours as 3-hourly averages.